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For the latest opportunities with government agencies, including potential funding for game-based approaches -- located in a PDF at the top of the page.
Learn moreRequest for Quote: Interactive on Deepfakes
Full RFQ and SOW
This Request for Quote (RFQ) is issued by the Science and Technology Innovation Program and Serious Games Initiative at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Wilson Center), for technical professional, non-personal services to provide the design and development of an interactive.
The Wilson Center is soliciting proposals from established companies with a proven, documented, successful track record in graphic design and digital storytelling for the Wilson Center’s Technology Labs. This browser-based interactive or game would support learning in the Wilson Center’s AI lab series, which covers core concepts in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Specifically, this will be an interactive experience that allows legislative and executive staff to explore how deepfakes are created and mitigated.
Content creation will be the task of the Wilson Center. The Wilson Center will interview experts on the merits of different technology-based and policy-based approaches, and the vendor will work collaboratively with the Serious Games Initiative to translate that into a playful, experiential learning tool. We are looking for creative solutions with an accessible narrative for non-technical users.
NOTE: This is just a portion of the RFQ. A full RFQ and Statement of Work (SOW), with details and descriptions, can be found here.
Price quotes may be submitted by email. Quotes are due by 11:59pm on Friday, April 19, 2024 to the following address.
Questions may also be addressed to the following points of contact. If planning to submit, please send an email to indicate intent to the following email addresses ASAP (before the deadline) to ensure that as questions are addressed you can be notified.
Elizabeth Newbury, PhD, Director of the Serious Games Initiative,
CC Sonja O’Brien, Program Coordinator for the Serious Games Initiative,