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Anthony S. Harrington and Alain J.P. Belda to Chair Advisory Board

We are pleased to announce the appointments of Anthony S. Harrington former US Ambassador to Brazil, and Alain J.P. Belda, President and CEO of Alcoa Inc., who will serve as the American and Brazilian co-chairs of Brazil @ The Wilson Center's Advisory Board. With their distinguished contributions to the Brazil – U.S. bilateral relationship and their first hand knowledge of the Wilson Center, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Belda will lead Brazil @ The Wilson Center in expanding its role addressing key issues on the bilateral agenda and promoting the exchange of ideas between Brazil and the United States.

Anthony Stephen Harrington is President of Stonebridge International, LLC, an international strategic advisory firm based in Washington, DC, co-founded with former National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger. Previously, he served as Ambassador of the United States to the Federative Republic of Brazil.

Ambassador Harrington carried out a mandate to upgrade the level of relations between the U.S. and Brazil, arriving at post after almost two years without an ambassador. He worked with a broad range of U.S. companies in addressing concerns related to doing business in the country, and he also actively engaged leaders of Brazilian industry.

In recognition of his accomplishments in U.S.-Brazil relations, the Government of Brazil conferred on Ambassador Harrington the Order of Rio Branco, Grand Cross.

Before serving in Brazil, Mr. Harrington was a senior partner of Hogan & Hartson, a 900-lawyer, international firm based in Washington, D.C., with offices elsewhere in the United States, Western and Eastern Europe and Asia. He currently serves as international strategic advisor to the firm.

Ambassador Harrington was previously Chairman of the President's Intelligence Oversight Board, Vice Chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and a member of the congressionally-created Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the U. S. Intelligence Community.

Alain Belda became chairman and chief executive officer of Alcoa Inc. in January 2001. He had been president and chief operating officer of the company since May 1999.

Mr. Belda joined Alcoa in 1969 at Alcoa Aluminio, Alcoa's Brazilian affiliate. He held a number of financial and planning positions there until being named president of Alcoa Aluminio in 1979. He later assumed the additional responsibility for all of Alcoa's Latin American operations. In 1982, Mr. Belda was elected a vice president of Alcoa, the parent company. He moved to Pittsburgh in 1994 as executive vice president, subsequently was elected vice chairman in 1995, to president and chief operating officer with responsibility for all operating activities in 1997, and to his most recent position as president and chief executive in 1999.

In addition to being chairman of Alcoa's board of directors, Mr. Belda is a director of Citigroup Inc., DuPont and the Ford Foundation. Mr. Belda also serves on the Business Board of Advisors for GSIA.

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The Brazil Institute—the only country-specific policy institution focused on Brazil in Washington—aims to deepen understanding of Brazil’s complex landscape and strengthen relations between Brazilian and U.S. institutions across all sectors.  Our mission is to provide thoughtful leadership and innovative ideas to help democracies evolve and enhance their capacity to deliver results. We achieve this by producing independent research and programs that bridge the gap between scholarship and policy, while serving as a hub for policymakers, scholars, and private sector leaders.   Read more