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<i>Washington Post</i>-Woodrow Wilson Center Fellows Featured in Newspaper

The Washington Post features articles about Latin America by the five Washington Post-Woodrow Wilson Center Fellows. The program brings professional journalists from Latin America to Washington, D.C. for a two-week exchange of dialogue and professional development.

About the Program
The Washington Post, in conjunction with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, inaugurated a fellowship program this spring to bring professional journalists from Latin America to Washington, D.C., to produce stories on subjects of their choice. Five fellows were selected from a candidate pool of more than 60 journalists.

During their two weeks in Washington, journalists from Mexico, Colombia and Brazil conducted reporting on an issue of importance to their home countries and to the United States. They also attended seminars at The Post and the Wilson Center.

The program seeks to provide opportunities for professional development and to encourage dialogue between journalists from Latin America and the United States.

Read the Articles

Lessons in Race in Washington
In the U.S., Brazilian Alexandre da Luz expected a warm welcome from fellow blacks. He was greeted with much less.
» By Flávia Tavares, reporter for Brazil's O Estado de S. Paulo

In Mexico, an Unstanched Flow of Drug Money
Experts fear that Mexico's lack of aggressiveness against money laundering could contribute to global instability.
» By Maurizio Guerrero Martínez, writer for Mexico's Poder y Negocios

In Brazil, Biofuels Dream Is Already Reality
Problems confronting the U.S. biofuel industry stand in contrast to the experience of the other major ethanol producer.
» By Luciana Pereira Franco, editor, writer for Brazil's Revista Globo Rural

America's Forgotten War
On June 17, America's longest-running war reached another milestone -- 37 years and counting. Hardly anyone noticed.
» By Alfonso Cuéllar, editor at Colombia's Semana Magazine

Mexico, the DEA, and the Case of Zhenli Ye Gon
Federal prosecutors struggle to gather evidence against businessman charged with illegal chemical imports.
» By Jorge Carrasco Araizaga, reporter for Mexico's Proceso Magazine

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