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Wilson Center and Washington Post Fellowship for Latin American Journalists

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About the Fellowship for Latin American JournalistsNow in its fourth year, beginning with a pilot program in 2008, the project has offered fellowships to 15 journalists, from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. All of the grantees in the program have described the experience as an exceptional and even life-changing opportunity. Grantees in 2011 were chosen from a competitive applicant pool of 29, representing 14 different countries of the region.
2011 Fellowship Recipients Mark Beckford
The Gleaner
Jamaica Biography Mark Beckford is the online content coordinator at The Gleaner. Previously, he worked as a staff reporter at The Gleaner after obtaining his MA degree in Journalism at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2008. In 2011 he received the Jamaica Broilers Fair Play Print Award and the Press Association of Jamaica President’s Award for Investigation. His work at the Wilson Center looked at Jamaican homosexuals who have sought asylum and are now living in the United States. Project Topic Jamaica, celebrated and loved for its infectious reggae beats, colorful culture and world-class athletes is viewed with suspicion and disappointment by others for its infamous homophobic attitudes. "Happy Asylum" will go beyond the norm of highlighting Jamaica's attitudes towards homosexuality, instead deeply documenting the journeys of these Jamaicans who have taken a major step in their lives. Articles "For a Happy Asylum: Jamaican Asylum Seekers in the United States" (Multimedia presentation hosted on You Tube)
"For a Happy Asylum: Jamaican Asylum Seekers in the United States" (transcript) Julie López
Plaza Pública
Guatemala Biography Julie López is a freelance journalist based in Guatemala, where she reports on politics and security issues. Her work has been published widely, including in ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America, and The Miami Herald. In May 2010, López won the Félix Varela National Award for Excellence in American Journalism on Latino Issues—in the print category—for her series "The Narco Empire," published in El Diario/La Prensa in 2009. She has an M.A. in International Relations and an M.A. in Journalism, and has taught journalism and coverage of international issues at graduate and undergraduate levels in the United States. During this fellowship she examined the Lorenzanas’ drug and arms trafficking networks between the U.S. and Guatemala to discover other locations for arms and drugs smuggling in the U.S. Project Topic Several drug trafficking groups, such as the Lorenzana family in Guatemala, are single-handedly sending tons of drugs to the U.S. and stimulating arms smuggling into Guatemala using drug trafficking proceeds. An investigation of the Lorenzanas will reveal more details of the links between drug and arms trafficking. Articles "Nueve años de cacería para ocho narcos guatemaltecos Parte I, " Plaza Pública, May 17, 2012
"Nueve años de cacería para ocho narcos guatemaltecos Parte II, "Plaza Pública, May 25, 2012
"Nueve años de cacería para ocho narcos guatemaltecos Parte III, " Plaza Pública, June 1, 2012
"Nine year manhunt lands international drug traffickers in DC courts. " English language translation of Lopez's series. José Monsalve
Semana Magazine
Colombia Biography José Monsalve is a reporter and writer for SEMANA Magazine working in the field of justice, law and public order. In 2008 he received the Interamerican Society of Journalism Award, Human Rights Category and the Simon Bolivar National Journalism Award for the report “La barbarie que no vivimos” published in SEMANA magazine Monsalve received his BA in Journalism from the Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin in 2006. While at the Center he researched the actors in the trade union diplomacy in Colombia and how it will influence U.S. – Colombia relationships. Project Topic The FTA with the U.S. has been the most important issue of domestic and foreign policy in Colombia in recent years. Colombian trade unions recently accomplished a series of reforms and claims they had been unsuccessfully demanding for decades. Will the reforms achieved by the alliance of trade unions in Colombia and the United States make a real difference? Carolina Rossetti de Toledo
O Estado de S. Paulo
Brazil Biography Carolina Rossetti de Toledo is a reporter for the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo with five previous years experience working for the daily newspaper. During her time as a Fellow she investigated human trafficking between Brazil and the U.S. to look for ways to combat this issue. Project Topic Brazil and the United States are host countries to the illegal and lucrative activities of international organized crime specializing in merchandising human beings for the purpose of forced labour and sexual exploitation. This project is to identify innovative ways in which law enforcement of both governments can work together to minimize impunity and reveal how authorities and civil society organizations of both sides of the tropics can help to protect victims. Article "Nas garras do Magnífico," O Estado de S. Paulo, November 27, 2011