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Escape From the Holocaust: The Fate of Jews in Finland

On Tuesday, June 17, the Wilson Center will host an international conference on findings of recent studies of the exceptional status of Finnish Jews and the rescue of Jews from the Holocaust in several European countries. This event is open to the public. RSVP for this event.

Cosponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and
Thanks to Scandinavia (New York)
American-Scandinavian Foundation (New York)
National Archives of Finland
University of Tampere
Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Walter Reich, Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center, Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Professor of International Affairs, Ethics and Human Behavior, George Washington University; former director, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Leslie D. Simon, former Senior Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center; member of the Board of Governors of the American Jewish Committee


Ambassador James E. Goodby, The Brookings Institution/Hoover Institution

Coffee Break

Panel 1 – The Scandinavian Countries and the Holocaust

Chaired by Walter Reich, Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center

Scandinavian Countries: on the Sidelines of the Holocaust?
-Professor Henrik Meinander, University of Helsinki

The Fate of the Jews in the Other Scandinavian Counties: Sweden, Denmark, Norway
-Professor Emeritus Sune Persson, University of Gothenburg

The Holocaust in Bulgaria: Balkan Finland? Balkan Denmark? A Comparative Approach
-Steven F. Sage, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Commentator: Meredith Hindley, Adjunct Professor, American University

Lunch Break

Panel 2 – Finland and the Holocaust

Chaired by Samuel F. Wells, Associate Director, Woodrow Wilson Center

Why did Finland Escape from the Holocaust?
-Assoc. Professor Hannu Rautkallio, University of Tampere

The Position of the Jews of Finland in the War of 1939-1944
-Rony Smolar, Chairman, The Helsinki Jewish Congregation

Deportations and the Exchange of Jewish POW´s with Germany
-Jussi Nuorteva, Director General, National Archives of Finland

Commentator: Carl Modig, Program Coordinator, International Archival Programs Division, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Closing Address

Chaired by Michael Haltzel, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic
Relations, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

The Position of Finland Before, During and After WW II
-Ambassador Max Jakobson (ret.)

This conference was made possible with support from the following sponsors:
Riihi Foundation
Uuden Päivän rahasto Foundation
WSOY Publishers

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