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Facebook Bans QAnon Content

Headshot of Nina Jankowicz

Statement from Nina Jankowicz, Disinformation Fellow with the Science and Technology Innovation Program.

Facebook and Russian Disinformation: Too Little, Too Late?

"The news that Facebook has banned all QAnon properties, regardless of whether they express violent sentiments, is welcome. Not only have the followers of this conspiracy movement perpetrated violent crimes, they have increasingly been vectors of disinformation that undermines public health and democracy. This has been especially evident during the coronavirus crisis, as QAnon related Facebook groups have become conspiratorial velcro for anti-mask, anti-vaxx, anti-science narratives.

I hope to see Facebook fulfill this new policy and stay abreast of the dogwhistles and rebranding the QAnon community has become extraordinarily skilled at. I also hope to see the platform recognize and address the indoctrinating way its structure that incentivizes outrage and emotion promotes polarizing, extremist content."

About the Author

Headshot of Nina Jankowicz

Nina Jankowicz

Former Global Fellow;
Founder, Sophias Strategies LLC; Former Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellow 
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Science and Technology Innovation Program

The Science and Technology Innovation Program (STIP) serves as the bridge between technologists, policymakers, industry, and global stakeholders.  Read more