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Participatory Innovation and Representative Democracy in Latin America

Participatory Innovation and Representative Democracy in Latin America, edited by Andrew Selee and Enrique Peruzzotti


Woodrow Wilson Center Press with Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009


978-0-8018-94060 hardcover; 978-0-8018-94077 paperback
Participatory Innovation and Representative Democracy in Latin America, edited by Andrew Selee and Enrique Peruzzotti




This empirically grounded collection examines the growth of participatory institutions in Latin American democracy and how such institutions affect representative government. While most existing literature concentrates on model cases of participatory budgeting in Brazil, this volume investigates cases in Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, and Argentina, where conditions for innovation have been far less favorable. The contributors, while recognizing the important differences and potential clashes between participatory and representative forms of democracy, ultimately favor participation, emphasizing its capacity to enhance and strengthen representative democracy.

Andrew D. Selee is director of the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute. Enrique Peruzzotti is a professor of political science at Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires and was a fellow at the Wilson Center in 2003–2004.

A Book Launch Event for Participatory Innovation and Democratic Democracy in Latin America was held on October 9, 2009, at the Wilson Center.