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Undeclared War and the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy

Undeclared War and the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy by Kenneth B. Moss


Woodrow Wilson Center Press with Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008


978-0-8018-8856-4 hardcover; 978-0-8018-8856-1 paperback
Undeclared War and the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy by Kenneth B. Moss




Undeclared wars have a history in the United States almost as old as the country itself and bear an importance that has grown along with the nation’s power, international status, and technological proficiency. Kenneth B. Moss’s highly original argument in Undeclared War and the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy demonstrates that though the framers of the Constitution had a broad notion of the varieties of war and the authority under which they would be undertaken without a formal declaration, Congress and the President are leading the United States into conflicts without fundamental oversight and accountability. The concentration of power in the president’s hands is particularly troubling to Moss, and he traces the shift to congressional deference and even timidity. Presidential accountability to Congress and the public for limited wars has been harmfully weak, most recently in the wars against Vietnam and Iraq, says the author, and he proposes a new strategy for improving congressional institutions for oversight.

Kenneth B. Moss is a professor at and chairman of the Department of National Security Studies at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. He has also been affiliated with the Siemens Corporation, the Woodrow Wilson Center, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

About the Author

Kenneth B. Moss

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