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Alp Yenen

    Professional affiliation

    University Lecturer Modern Turkish History and Culture, Universiteit Leiden

    Alp Yenen is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. Dr. Yenen works primarily on the political history of modern Turkey and the Middle East. He is specialized on the turn of the 20th century, First World War, Interwar period, and the Cold War period. He also comments and consults on contemporary politics in Turkey.

    Full Biography

    Alp Yenen is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. His research themes include The end of the First World War and the making of the modern Middle East. He is specialized in the so-called "Young Turk era," a transitional period from the late Ottoman Empire to post-Ottaman world, ca. 1889-1927. However, Dr. Yenen has also recently been teaching an working on Turkey and the Middle East in the Cold War period. His second book project will be centered on the "long" 1970s.