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Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza

Guest Speaker

Professional affiliation

Ambassador of Mexico to the United States

Full Biography

Ambassador Eduardo Medina Mora Icaza has built a distinguished career in both the public and the private sectors. Before coming to Washington, Ambassador Medina Mora was Ambassador of Mexico to the United Kingdom (2009-1012). Previous to that appointment, he held cabinet-level positions in the Mexican federal government. He was Attorney General (2006-2009). He also served as Secretary for Public Security (2005-2006), and as Director General of the Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN), the Mexican Civil Intelligence Agency (2000-2005). In these capacities he served as a member of the Public Security Cabinet and of the National Security Council. In his posts, Ambassador Medina Mora has had important responsibilities in international fora and negotiations, including negotiator for the Alliance for Prosperity and Security in North America (2004-2005); Chief Negotiator for the Mexico-U.S. Border Partnership Agreement in 2002; member of the High-Level Group on Border Security Mexico-Guatemala and Mexico-Belize; and he has been a key member of many delegations and bilateral task forces on security cooperation between Mexico and the U.S., Canada, Colombia and Guatemala. In the private sector he was Corporate Director of Strategic Planning and Deputy Director General of DESC Group (1991-2000), a large Mexican conglomerate in the fields of automotive parts, petrochemicals, agribusiness and real estate. He also coordinated the legal advisory team to the Mexican Government during the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. Ambassador Medina Mora has lectured at conferences and international seminars in Mexico, Latin America and Europe on trade and development, national security, terrorism, public security, organized crime and human rights. He is co-editor of the bookLegitimate Use of Force, published by Mexico’s National Institute of Criminal and Forensic Studies (INACIPE) in 2008, and  author of the book Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone, published by the Ministry of Fisheries in 1989. He has also been a member of the Mexican Bar Association and of the American Bar Association.