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Ekaterina Moiseeva

Former George F. Kennan Fellow


    June 1, 2018 — August 31, 2018

    Professional affiliation

    Researcher, European University in St. Petersburg

    Wilson Center Projects

    Reforming the Legal Profession: A Maturity Test for Civil Society in Russia

    Full Biography

    Ekaterina Moiseeva is a researcher at the Institute for the Rule of Law at the European University in St. Petersburg (Russia). She graduated with degrees in Sociology from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (BA, 2008) and the European University in St. Petersburg (MA, 2009), both with distinction. In 2013, she earned a Russian doctoral degree in Sociology (Candidate of Sciences) at the Higher School of Economics. While working on the dissertation, she spent the 2011-12 academic year as a Fulbright visiting scholar at Boston University. Her research interests include legal education, legal profession, criminal courts, plea bargaining, and rule of law in Russia. In 2016, she coauthored a book "Being a Lawyer in Russia: Sociological Study of the Legal Profession", which discusses criminal lawyers’ autonomy inside and outside profession, and their professional standing vis-à-vis law enforcement personnel.

    Major Publications

    Moiseeva E. 2016. Plea Bargaining in Russia: The Role of Defence Attorneys and the Problem of Asymmetry. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 41 (3): 163-184.

    Bocharov T., Moiseeva E. 2016. Being a Lawyer in Russia: Sociological Study of the Legal Profession. St. Petersburg: EUSP Press.