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Isaak Mogetutu

Guest Speaker

    Professional affiliation

    Chief Innovations Officer, M-Farm

    Full Biography

    Isaak Mogetutu is Chief Innovations Officer at M-Farm, a software solution and agribusiness company . Our main product M-Farm, is a transparency tool for Kenyan farmers where they simply SMS the number 3555 to get information pertaining to the retail price of their products, buy their farm inputs directly from manufacturers at favorable prices, and find buyers for their produce.M-Farm was launched after winning the IPO48 competition — a 48 hour boot-camp event aimed at giving web/mobile start-ups a platform to launch their start-ups.Of the 37 initial ideas, M-Farm took away the €10,000 prize as capital investment. M-Farm enables farmers inquire about the current prices of different crops in specific markets throughout Kenya. Up-to-date market information empowers farmers as they bargain for a fair price with middlemen and purchasers.The M-Farm system provides farmers a group selling service where they can connect with other farmers from the neighborhood to jointly market crops in greater volume, helping rural farmers access large-scale local and international markets. Farmers often need to have large quantities of produce available in a short time frame in order to sell to exporters and large-scale retailers.
    Farmers also get connected to suppliers and, through collective buying power, get significant discounts on farming inputs such as seeds, fertilizer.