CWIHP Bulletin No. 8/9 (Winter 1996): The Cold War in the Third World and the Collapse of Detente in the 1970s
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Cold War International History Project

Issue Contents:
- "Editor’s Introduction" - James G. Hershberg
New Evidence on the Cold War in Southern Africa
- "Havana’s Policy in Africa, 1959-76: New Evidence from Cuban Archives" - Piero Gleijeses
- "Fidel Castro’s 1977 Southern Africa Tour: A Report to Honecker" - Christian F. Ostermann
- "Moscow and the Angolan Crisis: A New Pattern of Intervention" - Odd Arne Westad
- "Soviet Documents on Angola and Southern Africa, 1975-1979"
Anatomy of a Third World Cold War Crisis: New East-bloc Evidence on the Horn of Africa, 1977-1978
- "The Horn, the Cold War, and New Documents from the Former East-bloc: An Ethiopian View" - Ermias Abebe
- "Moscow, Mengistu, and the Horn: Difficult Choices for the Kremlin" - Paul B. Henze
- "East Germany and the Horn Crisis: Documents on SED Afrikapolitik" - Christian F. Ostermann
- "Russian and East German Documents on the Horn of Africa, 1977-1978"
U.S.-Soviet Relations and the Turn Toward Confrontation, 1977-1980
- "Russian and East German Documents"
New Evidence on the Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan
- "Concerning the Situation in 'A': New Russian Evidence on the Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan" - Odd Arne Westad
- "The Soviet Union and Afghanistan, 1978-1989: Documents from the Russian and East German Archives"
U.S.-Cuban Relations and the Cold War, 1976-1981
- "Russian and East German Documents"
- "Cuba as Superpower: Havana and Moscow, 1979" - Jorge I. Dominguez
- "A 'Moment of Rapprochement': The Haig-Rodriguez Secret Talks" - Peter Kornbluh
More New Evidence on the Cold War in Asia
- "More on Mao in Moscow, Dec. 1949-Feb. 1950"
- "Fighting for Friendship: Mao, Stalin, and the Sino-Soviet Friendship Treaty of 1950" - Odd Arne Westad
- "Translated Russian and Chinese Documents on Mao Zedong’s Visit to Moscow, December 1949-February 1950"
- "Stalin, Mao, Kim and Korean War Origins, 1950: A Russian Documentary Discrepancy" - Dieter Heinzig
- "The Discrepancy Between the Russian and Chinese Versions of Mao’s 2 October 1950 Message to Stalin on Chinese Entry into the Korean War: A Chinese Scholar’s Reply" - Shen Zhihua
- "Khrushchev vs. Mao: A Preliminary Sketch of the Role of Personality in the Sino-Soviet Split" - William Taubman
- "A New 'Cult of Personality': Suslov’s Secret Report on Mao, Khrushchev, and Sino-Soviet Tensions, December 1959"
- "A Crucial Step toward the Sino-Soviet Schism: The Withdrawal of Soviet Experts from China, July 1960" - Chen Jian
- "The Sino-Indian Conflict, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Sino-Soviet Split, October 1962: New Evidence from the Russian Archives" - M.Y. Prozumenschikov
- "New East-bloc Documents on the Sino-Indian Conflict, 1959 & 1962"
More New Evidence on the Cuban Missile Crisis
- "More New Evidence on the Cuban Missile Crisis: More Documents from the Russian Archives" - James G. Hershberg
- "More on Bobby and the Cuban Missile Crisis" - James G. Hershberg
- "Russian Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis"
- "The Mikoyan-Castro Talks, 4-5 November 1962: The Cuban Version"
- "The 'Lessons' of the Cuban Missile Crisis for Warsaw Pact Nuclear Operations" - Mark Kramer
Special Feature: New Evidence on the 1956 Polish and Hungarian Crises
- "Conferences in Budapest, Potsdam Spotlight Cold War Flashpoints"
- "Togliatti on Nagy, 30 October 1956: Missing Cable Found"
- "New Evidence on Soviet Decision-Making and the 1956 Polish and Hungarian Crises" - Mark Kramer
- "The 'Malin Notes' on the Crises in Hungary and Poland, 1956" - Mark Kramer
Research Notes
- "The Russian Nuclear Declassification Project: Setting up the A-Bomb Effort, 1946" - G.A. Goncharov, N.I. Komov, and A.S. Stepanov
- "Khrushchev’s 1960 Troop Cut: New Russian Evidence" - Vladislav M. Zubok

James G. Hershberg
Former Public Policy Scholar;
Professor of History and International Affairs at George Washington University
Professor of History and International Affairs at George Washington University
Cold War International History Project
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