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Closing the Loop on Plastic Waste in Indonesia Bahasa Blog Series

a photo of a blog post with a picture of a man
a photo of a blog post with a picture of a man

The China Environment Forum invites you to enjoy four of our recent blogs translated into Bahasa Indonesia.

Model Bisnis Melingkar Di Balik Revolusi Penggunaan Kembali di Indonesia

Mewujudkan Dunia yang Segala Sesuatunya Melingkar: Tanya Jawab dengan Salah Satu Pendiri Gerakan Indonesia Diet Kantong Plastik, Tiza Mafira

Menghentikan Gelombang: Saset Plastik dan Tanggung Jawab Produsen di Asia Tenggara

Siapakah yang Membayar Tagihan untuk Sampah Plastik?

This publication is part of the China Environment Forum’s Turning the Tide on Plastic Waste in Asia initiative made possible with generous support from the Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership. 

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Since 1997, the China Environment Forum's mission has been to forge US-China cooperation on energy, environment, and sustainable development challenges. We play a unique nonpartisan role in creating multi-stakeholder dialogues around these issues.  Read more