The Belt and Road's Impact on Partner States
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China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been a double-edged sword for countries on the receiving end of Beijing's financial assistance. While the BRI remains an integral part of Beijing's foreign economic policy, it reflects China's broader goal for engaging with the Global South through economic development and garner support for its international security interests. In particular, the informal economic engagement stemming from BRI departs from China's established economic policy and yields unexpected consequences for host states.
Join us for discussions on the impact of China's development promotion and foreign aid policies on partner states, and exporting China's modes of law and governance.

Associate Professor, Member of the Law Faculty, and Associate Research Fellow of the Socio-Legal Studies Centre at the University of Oxford


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Indo-Pacific Program
The Indo-Pacific Program promotes policy debate and intellectual discussions on US interests in the Asia-Pacific as well as political, economic, security, and social issues relating to the world’s most populous and economically dynamic region. Read more
China Environment Forum
Since 1997, the China Environment Forum's mission has been to forge US-China cooperation on energy, environment, and sustainable development challenges. We play a unique nonpartisan role in creating multi-stakeholder dialogues around these issues. Read more
Kissinger Institute on China and the United States
The Kissinger Institute works to ensure that China policy serves American long-term interests and is founded in understanding of historical and cultural factors in bilateral relations and in accurate assessment of the aspirations of China’s government and people. Read more
Wahba Institute for Strategic Competition
The Wahba Institute for Strategic Competition works to shape conversations and inspire meaningful action to strengthen technology, trade, infrastructure, and energy as part of American economic and global leadership that benefits the nation and the world. Read more