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Need to Know Podcast | How to Distribute 7 Billion Vaccines
Alex Long, Global Health Policy watcher and Program Associate at the Wilson Center, joins the Need to Know podcast again to discuss the progress being made on a COVID-19 vaccine, but also how in the world do you distribute 7 billion of them?
ListenLeading Experts
Lawrence K. Altman
Global Fellow
Read more from Lawrence K.As COVID-19 forces us to hunker down in our homes, telecommute, stock up on staples, limit visits to relatives and friends, and disrupt our lives in many other ways, we are paying a steep price for not heeding the advice of health officials who, for decades, repeatedly urged government officials to prepare for another pandemic resembling the one from influenza that killed 20 to 100 million people from 1917-1920.
Alex Long
Senior Program Associate
Read more from AlexCOVID-19 should become a pivot point in these United States. A necessary pivot point, since all signs point towards the fact that this pandemic is not an anomaly but rather symptom of globalized society and its effects on the environment…But when it comes time to commiserate on the shared memory of COVID-19 and create stronger and more flexible structures for pandemic preparedness, we may find that there are divergent narratives running on geographic and partisan lines.
Rui Zhong
Program Associate
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