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Antoni Estevadeordal

Guest Speaker

Professional affiliation

Manager, Integration and Trade Sector, Inter-American Development Bank

Full Biography

Antoni Estevadeordal is the Manager of the Integration and Trade Sector (Vice-Presidency of Sectors and Knowledge) at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). He has expertise in trade policy, economic integration and regional cooperation policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, and Europe. He has contributed to multiple Bank operations, in particular in the design of new programming instruments and financial products to support trade development and integration initiatives. He is responsible for managing the IDB operational portfolio, technical assistance programs, and policy research on trade and integration. He coordinates several joint initiatives with various key international institutions. Before joining the IDB he taught at the University of Barcelona and Harvard University. He has published widely in major journals and has authored, contributed, and edited several books, among others Beyond Borders: The New Regionalism in the Americas (IDB, 2002); Integrating the Americas: FTAA and Beyond (Harvard University Press, 2004); Regional Public Goods: From Theory to Practice (IDB-ADB, 2004); The Emergence of China: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean (Harvard University Press, 2006); Regional Rules and the Global Trading System (Cambridge University Press, 2009); Bridging Trade Agreements in the Americas (Harvard University Press, 2009); The Sovereign Remedy? Trade Agreements in a Globalizing World (Oxford University Press, 2009). He is currently working on a report on Asia and Latin America. He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Barcelona and a PhD in Economics from Harvard University.