Program Staff & Fellows
Leadership and Staff
Diego Marroquín Bitar
Inaugural Bersin-Foster North America Scholar
Jorge Buendía
Global Fellow;
Director, Buendía & Márquez
Director, Buendía & Márquez
Agustín Escobar Latapí
Global Fellow;
Professor, CIESAS Occidente; Director, Jornaleros en la Agricultura Mexicana de Exportación
Professor, CIESAS Occidente; Director, Jornaleros en la Agricultura Mexicana de Exportación
Gema Kloppe-Santamaría
Mexico Institute Global Fellow; George Washington University;
Mexico Institute Global Fellow; Assistant Professor of Latin American History at George Washington University
Mexico Institute Global Fellow; Assistant Professor of Latin American History at George Washington University
Eric L. Olson
Global Fellow;
Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives, Seattle International Foundation
Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives, Seattle International Foundation
Arturo Sarukhán
Global Fellow;
Advisory Board Member, Mexico Institute, Wilson Center; Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States; Founder & President, Sarukhan + Associates
Advisory Board Member, Mexico Institute, Wilson Center; Former Mexican Ambassador to the United States; Founder & President, Sarukhan + Associates
Earl Anthony Wayne
Public Policy Fellow;
Former Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Argentina, and Mexico; Distinguished Diplomat in Residence, School of International Service, American University
Former Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Argentina, and Mexico; Distinguished Diplomat in Residence, School of International Service, American University
Andrew Selee
Former Executive Vice President and Senior Advisor to the Mexico Institute;
President, Migration Policy Institute
President, Migration Policy Institute
Carin Zissis
Wilson International Competition Fellow;
Editor-in-Chief, AS/COA Online, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
Editor-in-Chief, AS/COA Online, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
Christopher Wilson
Global Fellow, Mexico Institute