ECSP Report 2: Feature Articles
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Environmental Change and Security Program
In the 1996 issue of ECSP's annual report, Miriam R. Lowi writes about water disputes in the Middle East, while Dennis Pirages explores "microsecurity". Also in this issue: a look at overseas contamination by the military; an action plan for population, development, and environment; and Thomas Homer-Dixon's findings from a project on environment, population, and security.
- Political and Institutional Responses to Transboundary Water Disputes in the Middle East - Miriam R. Lowi
- Microsecurity: Disease Organisms and Human Well-Being - Dennis Pirages
- Overseas Contamination: An Open Sore in the Pentagon‘s Improving Environmental Record - Lenny Siegel
- An Action Plan for Population, Development, and the Environment - Alene H. Gelbard
- National Security, the Environment and DOD - Kent Butts
- From Deep Black to Green? Demystifying the Military Monitoring of the Environment - Ronald J. Deibert
- Saving the Environment (and Political Stability too): Institutional Responses for Developing Nations - Jack A. Goldstone
- Advancing Environment and Security Goals through “Integrated Security Resource Planning” - Gareth Porter
- When Are Environmental Issues Security Issues? - Brian R. Shaw
- The Project on Environment, Population, and Security: Key Findings of Research - Thomas Homer-Dixon
- Debate: Time for a Third Wave of Environment and Security Scholarship, with Thomas Homer-Dixon, Marc Levy, Gareth Porter, and Jack Goldstone
- Official Statements and Documents
Miriam R. Lowi
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Trenton State College
Dennis Pirages
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Lenny Siegel
Director, CAREER/PRO, San Francisco State University
Alene Gelbard
Director, Company-Community Partnerships for Health in Indonesia, Public Health Institute
Kent H. Butts
National Security Issues Branch, Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College
Ronald J. Deibert
Assistant Director, Institute of International Relations, University of British Columbia

Jack A. Goldstone
Global Fellow;
Virginia E. and John T. Hazel Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University; Wilson Center Fellow
Virginia E. and John T. Hazel Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University; Wilson Center Fellow
Gareth Porter
International Program Director, Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Brian R. Shaw
Environmental Management Capability Group Manager, Environmental Technology Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Thomas Homer-Dixon
Director, Centre for the Study of Peace and Conflict, University of Toronto
Marc Levy
Deputy Director, Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Environmental Change and Security Program
The Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP) explores the connections between environmental change, health, and population dynamics and their links to conflict, human insecurity, and foreign policy. Read more
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Kent H. Butts
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Alene Gelbard
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Jack A. Goldstone
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Thomas Homer-Dixon
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