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Asher Orkaby


    September 8, 2020 — June 1, 2021

    Professional affiliation

    Research Scholar, Transregional Institute, Princeton University

    Wilson Center Projects

    The Tenuous Taboo: Chemical Weapons in the Middle East

    Full Biography

    Asher Orkaby, PhD is an associate research scholar at Princeton University’s Transregional Institute and a former fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He earned his PhD from Harvard University in International History and Middle Eastern Studies and is the author of Beyond the Arab Cold War: The International History of the Yemen Civil War, 1962-68 (Oxford University Press, 2017) and What Everyone Needs to Know About Yemen(January 2021). Over the course of the current conflict in Yemen, he has contributed regularly to Foreign Affairs, The National Interest, and many other policy publications and has commented on both English and Arabic media such as CSPAN, al-Jazeera, and al-Araby TV. His current research focuses on the history of chemical warfare in the Middle East.