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Lodovica Clavarino

    Professional affiliation

    Roma Tre University

    Full Biography

    Lodovica Clavarino is a post-doc research fellow at Roma Tre University, where – since 2015 – she teaches History of International Contemporary Politics for MA students. From October-December 2018, she is the recipient of a 3-month post-doc scholarship from the DHI-Deutsches Historisches Institut, Roma.

    In 2013, she earned her Ph.D. in International History at Roma Tre University, with the thesis: “The security policy of the Federal Republic of Germany during the détente, 1967-1975”. In 2011 she attended the first edition of the Nuclear History Boot Camp as a student and then - since 2012- she has worked for the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project to organize the Boot Camp each year.

    Major Publications

    • Scienza e politica nell’era nucleare: la scelta pacifista di Edoardo Amaldi (2014).
    • Dall’Uranverein alla svolta verde. Breve storia dell’atomo tedesco”, in Limes “A qualcuno piace atomica” (2012).
    • «Many countries will have the bomb: there will be Hell». Edoardo Amaldi and the Italian physicists committed to disarmament, arms control and détente”, in Bini, Londero, Nuclear Italy: An International History of Italian Nuclear Policies during the Cold War (2017).