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Ning Jennifer Chang

    Professional affiliation

    Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

    Dr. Ning Jennifer Chang is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and concurrently serves as the director of the Institute’s Archives. She is the author of "Cultural Translation: Horse Racing, Greyhound Racing and Jai Alai in Modern Shanghai" (異國事物的轉譯:近代上海的跑馬、跑狗與回力球賽).

    Full Biography

    Dr. Ning Jennifer Chang is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and concurrently serves as the director of the Institute’s Archives. She is the author of Cultural Translation: Horse Racing, Greyhound Racing and Jai Alai in Modern Shanghai (異國事物的轉譯:近代上海的跑馬、跑狗與回力球賽).