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The "Graphs" section aims at quantifying certain aspects of participatory health research and relies on the data included in the Citizen Health Innovation database, an inventory of citizen health innovation projects. It includes research projects and inventions from patient innovators, DIY biologists and crowdfunded start-ups. The search to build the database was conducted by using regular search engines like Google, and also using the search engines of well-known crowdfunding and crowdsourcing patforms like Indiegogo,, Patient-Innovation, Kickstarter, among others. Some of these patforms are illustrated in the crowdfunding/crowdsourcing section of the website. The database was built in a Google Spreadsheet which gathers contat information about the autors/inventors, a short description of each project, main funding platforms, culture, category, project location, donations and a safety concern level classification were added. The database was designed to be updated on a regular basis.


Copy of Graphs by CitizenHealthInnovationProject