5G is the next telecommunications standard and will build on previous generations of wireless technology. This new technology is causing innovation on a global scale.
5G Beyond Borders
The Wilson Center’s 5G Beyond Borders project explores how the U.S., Canada, and Mexico can work together to maximize the benefits of 5G and related technology through informed policy solutions. The project offers an overview of the landscape of 5G technology around the globe, while also focusing on the impact of 5G on North American business, and smart manufacturing. Cross-border collaboration between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico is essential to a secure transition. 5G Beyond Borders explores not only 5G security, but how North American cooperation can reduce risks, maximize economic gains, and ensure an efficient 5G rollout.
Go Beyond BordersOur Experts
Meg King
Former Director of the Science and Technology Innovation Program; Tech Labs Founder
Read more from MegNo one country possesses all the capabilities needed to develop competitive technologies. No one country possesses all the critical data required to make the most of these technologies. No one country has the right governing structure to address the risks of untested technologies while simultaneously fostering innovation. The United States, Mexico, and Canada would be wise to take on this mission together.
Melissa K. Griffith
Former Director of Emerging Technology and National Security; Senior Program Associate with the Science and Technology Innovation Program (STIP)
Anne Bowser
Global Fellow
Spencer Stucky
Program Assistant
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